The life that changed the world
Jesus: The life, death and resurrection of this one man has changed the world like no other. You owe it to yourself to at least investigate and consider the facts.
Take a closer look at the life of Jesus in John’s eyewitness account.
This site is designed to help you as you read through John’s Gospel. There are a collection of video clips to be viewed after reading each chapter of John’s account. These will help you as you think through some of the key issues raised by putting the chapter in context, tackling tough questions about God, or showing how the truth and reality of Jesus is still impacting lives today.
The investigation of the identity and mission of Jesus in John’s Gospel is very worthy of your time.
So who is this Jesus?
Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, published by HarperCollins Publishers, ©2001 by Crossway). Used by permission. All rights reserved.